Because I love trees. I love Spain. I love trees in Spain.

Outside the mezquita in Cordoba

Inside the mezquita...arch upon arch
Our poor attempt at timing the jump
Joys found in my life today...some hidden...some apparent...some longed for
Joys found in my life today...some hidden...some apparent...some longed for
the salvation I have been given through Jesus Christ. He is faithful when I am faithless. cool breezes through my open window. galletas de manzana con leche. the guy at the copisteria who greets me every morning with a kind smile when I have to print off my literature homework. the heladeria. seeing my family and friends faces through skype. hearing my host mom sing in the kitchen. watching her smile, close her eyes and hum while listening to a new cd. spanish conversations with my intercambio. mini dance parties while our host family is out of the house. walking. having an english teaching job. 40 cent espressos. facebook pictures. sitting amongst ten other believers in the grass near the prado. discussing 1 peter. cold water. having seen la mezquita y la synogoga en Cordoba this past weekend. the shelly moore band on myspace. giggling at the stories our host dad tells us. his attempt to speak with an american accent by deciding he would be from denver. my response as to why he had to choose denver of all places. el rio Guadalquivir at 2 am. podcasts from SWO about freedom in Christ. attempts at learning basic conversational words en frances y aleman. forgetting the words right away. wishing for peanut butter. knowing i could buy peanut butter but am too cheap to do so. being a tourist. learning words of "expression" in grammar class today. trying to be funny in spanish. prayer. abundant life.
my joy overflows....
All I can say to this Rebecca is, "AMEN!!!"
ReplyDelete-SEAN Jones
You make me smile. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing joys! I almost felt like I was there!