's slightly colder here now than I had planned. I have worn a sweater all day. A taste of nostalgia from Boone I guess.
This week, I had the opportunity to sit in a circle of followers of Jesus at the Starbucks near Plaza Nueva (Yes friends, I find shame in admiting that of all places in the city, we went to Starbucks..and there still seems to be one on every corner.) However, what a blessing to sit in a group of five or six students with different backgrounds and stories who all have a desire to know Christ more intimately while they are in Spain!
Also, I would like to make something more clear. I have mentioned my prayers for my host family and the questions they have been asking...
From my understanding of scripture, no man can be reconciled to God without accepting the salvacion offered to us through the blood of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). This is a free gift which is so often rejected and misunderstood by many people. However, here, the idea of "religion" is often confused with "relationship." Yes, the main religion is Catholicism. This is a very social thing and many from the younger generation do not practice it faithfully. Yet, from living in the "Bible belt" of the states, it is clear that we all often become confused with the act of following rules and forget about the grace of God that comes through salvation. For those who follow Catholicism in Spain, it is much like this. I have been told that Catholicism in Spain is much different than the kind we know in the states. In all, Europe is a very dark place. Many hearts have been hardened towards recognizing any sort of need for salvacion. The process of one coming to Jesus Christ is a very slow one and often requires a relationship to be built first.
I realize I have used words such as "Catholicism," "Evangelicos", and "Christianity" without explaining more. Forgive me. If you have questions, please feel free to ask.
In John 10:10, Jesus says, "I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." It burdens me that so many are missing out on abundant life. Yet, how often do we all continue to eat the mudpies off of the ground without the realizacion that a feast has been prepared in our honor? I'm hungry. Won't you come dine with us?
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6 years ago
I agree with you, Rebecca. God's truth is simple and eternal life is a free gift to all of us. I am thankful to have a relationship through Christ, who loves me and has my best interest at heart. I am thank you have other believers to spend time with.....God is always at work!