Wednesday, September 23, 2009


"We have become jaded with the satiety of wonder." - A.W. Tozer's Knowledge of the Holy

I was reading today about our unfortunate ability to grow used to the idea of the incredible things that surround us. Instead, we are complacent with things such as feeling we have the power and ability to control the very power of energy with our fingertips, at the press of a button. No wonder we are bored with life.

My prayer...."God, give me a continuously renewed awe at the work of your hands in and through my life!"

Yesterday, I sat around a table at Starbucks (yes, again.) with a group of 8 American students studying in Sevilla and hungry for fellowship with other believers. We sat around and laughed about our first cultural experiences, and then my friend Jake talked about the significance of breathing- as even the breath which enters and exits our lungs is by the very grace of God. Even so, God has breathed a new sense of life in each of us through being here and we desire to be vessels to spread the abundant life Christ offers into the hearts of all we meet.

A few days before, Jake had been at a frozen yogurt shop and was introduced to a guy who teaches English here in Sevilla. He told us yesterday that he has too little understanding of Spanish to be able to comprehend anything at mass and has just been praying for other English believers lately.

I shouldn't be suprised, but it is incredible how God works! First of all, I realize I do not know anything about what it means to be starving for the Word of God. I have been spoon fed all my life by a never ending amount of resources offered to help me grow as a believer. But I have never really been alone in my walk. Yes, I am thankful for this, but there is a point in all of our lives where I think we have to learn to walk with Christ steadfastly through the Word. Second of all, I am amazed. I stand in wonder as to how God chooses to draw us unto Himself and to each other. I don't want to be jaded any longer. May I only become satisfied by the daily wonder of who He is.


  1. May God continue to make us hunger and thirst for Him~ I am very much echoing your prayer for awe! Glad to hear you are enjoying your time...even if it is spent at the Starbucks!

  2. I desire to be totally devoted to Him. I agree with you in praying for His eyes and perspective. I am thankful for your circle of believers who are coming together for encouragement and inspiration. You are so beautiful and I miss you! Mom
