Friday, November 6, 2009

Vamos a Italia!

First of all, a tribute to Snowbird across the world. Madrid, Spain
It would really requre the 321 pictures we took and a book of stories to even begin to sufficiently describe our trip to Pisa, Roma, and Madrid...a trip not recommended to be taken in just one weekend.

We arrived in Pisa, stayed in a quaint little guesthouse, saw the leaning tower, and even took a surprise bus ride to the coast near Livorno (due to the mistake of the guesthouse owner), but we enjoyed it. Our biggest smiles came from the moment we entered the pizza restaurant and the chef said, "Wait, you don't speak Italian." Then with a thick accent said, "I can'ta speaka English, but I can maka pizza."

(This is a picture right outside the Vatican City at sunset.)

A train ride with an incredible view of the countryside brought us to the beautful city of Roma. It was so strange to walk through a street of pizzerias and turn the corner to see one of the world's most well known monuments, the Colliseum. We just kept touching it realizing we were touching years and years of history. Avoiding the Italian bus system this time, we conquered the art of reading a map as we made our way to the Pantheon, La Fontana de Trevi, and eventually to St. Peter's Basilica...a wonder! Of course, we wished we had spent at least a day in the Vatican City itself.

As tired as we were, we spent our last day in Spain's capital, Madrid. We found a completely different image than Sevilla, the city in which we study. Although much more modern, the gardens and Palacio Real were beautiful as well as provided a nice spot to lounge. We also experienced the hustle and bustle of Plaza Mayor and the variety of activities continously taking place there.
Finally, we took a midnight bus from Madrid to Sevilla (the shortest 6 hours of our life). Worn out and exhausted, we couldn't believe we had experienced all of these things and more in one short weekend. To see Rome had been one of my dreams...
Since then, things have been going well despite the accumulating papers and work we are discovering spanish professors to be capable of demanding. But, above all, the Lord has been good and I have enjoyed these past few days of skype dates and emails with friends and family.
A few prayer requests...
*My faithfulness in spending time with the Lord and allowing Him to renew my perspective daily
*The ability to see His purpose in "little" things He is calling me to
*My host mom Matilde has a few months of chemo ahead. She is a strong woman but pray for her comfort and strength. We have enjoyed joking and laughing alot this week. I am thankful for the blessing of a happy household!
*Registration and specifics for the spring...I don't want to live thinking about a few months from now, but I have things that have to get done. God hasn't failed me yet in placing me exactly where I need to be.
I love you all! Thanks for your prayers! If you have skype, look me up at rlsteele330. I would love to see your face!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome whirlwind of a trip! Thanks for the update!
